
Once you have added all the equipment you desire to your shopping cart, you should click on 'view cart or checkout' link on the left hand side of the site. You'll then be taken to your cart, you can check that you have all the right items. If you want to adjust the number of items you are purchasing, simply type the number you desire in the box and click on the 'update cart' button.

Once you are happy with your order click on the 'checkout and purchase items' button. You will then be shown your order, you can click the back button if you wish to make a change. Below your order details is a section for your contact details, fill this in and choose a shipping option to suit your location. Then click the 'proceed to confirmation' button.

On the confirmation screen you should check you have entered your address details correctly and you will be able to review the total cost including postage. Click on the 'proceed to payment gateway' button.

You will now be taken to the secure payment gateway, here you can enter your credit card details in confidence. You should ensure that your billing address has been entered correctly and then enter you card details. Then click 'complete transaction'.

You will receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards and your products will be shipped quickly and safely to you.